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Theophrastus of Eresus on Winds and on Weather Signs Translated, with an introduction and notes, and an appendix
This book, "Theophrastus of Eresus on Winds and on Weather Signs Translated, with an introduction and
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Kengetallen inrichting bedrijfsterreinen 2020 (GWWkengetallenserie)
Onderwerpen als bouwrijp maken, riolering, gas/water, kabels, wegverhardingen, wegbebakeningen, wegve
Vakmedianet BouwCommunities B.V.; 01. baskı
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Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre 3e 2017 - Manuel de l'élève (Sciences svt jubault)
Une progression spiralaire construite à partir des attendus de fin de cycle pour aborder l'ensemble d
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Bizans Tarihyazımında Öteki Selçuklu Kimliği
Anadolu’nun Türkleşmesi ve Anadolu Türk kimliğinin oluşumu sürecinde, üzerinde belki de daha önce hiç
Adem Tülüce
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Intrepid Explorer: The Autobiography of the World's Best Mine Finder
When seven-year-old Dave Lowell was camped out at his father's mine in the hills of southern Arizona
J. David Lowell
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Risques géomorphologiques et contraintes d'aménagement: Prérif marocain (cas de périmètre urbain de la ville de Taza) (OMN.UNIV.EUROP.)
Le problème des risques géomorphologiques lié à l'érosion hydrique, les inondations et aux mouvements
Aïman Hili
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Mineral- Fundstellen V Steiermark und Kärnten
Weise, Christian
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Géochimie marine - Circulation océanique, cycle du carbone et changement climatique - Licence 3 & Master Sciences de la Terre et Sciences de l'environnement (LMD STU): 1
L'ouvrage présente l'ensemble des principes, des méthodes et des applications de la géochimie marine
Matthieu Roy-Barman
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Bir Kuşağın Dramı Sağ Sol Çatışmasının Perde Arkası Tanıklıklar
5 Mayıs 1960- Ankara Kızılay Meydanı’nda üniversite gençliği büyük bir protesto gösterisi düzenledi.
Süleyman Kocabaş
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Survey Results of the American Public's Values, Objectives, Beliefs, and Attitudes Regarding Forests and Grasslands: A Technical Document Supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment
The USDA Forest Service completed its Strategic Plan (2000 Revision) in October 2000. The goals and o
U.S. Department of Agriculture
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Mülazım-ı Sani Sivaslı Hakkı’nın Günlüğü - Çanakkale’den Kafkasya’ya
Sivaslı bir zabit olan Hakkı, 1. Dünya Savaşı’nın başlamasıyla Çanakkale Cephesi’nde, ardından Kafkas
Sevilay Özer
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Sovyetler Birliği Komünist Bolşevik Partisinin Tarihi
Sovyetler Birliği Komünist Partisi (Bolşevik), devrimden önceki Rusya’da, işçi hareketi zemini üzerin
Kor Kitap Komisyon
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Valutazione sperimentale di pile da ponte cave in c.a. corrose: comportamento di pile da ponte cave soggette a corrosione da cloruri e sottoposte a prove cicliche distruttive
Gianpiero Lepore
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The Life of Harman Blennerhassett: Comprising an Authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition; And Containing Many Additional Facts Not Heretofore Published
About the Book As early as 1550 BC, the Phoenicians explored and traded throughout the Mediterranean
William H. Safford
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Gestion des dechets solides au quartier commercial de N'zérékoré/R.Gui: Gestion des déchets solides dans la Commune Urbaine de N'Zérékoré, République de Guinée (OMN.UNIV.EUROP.)
Roger Delamou
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Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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Argentina itm r/v (r) wp (International Travel Maps)
ITMB Publishing
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Tarihi Gerçekler Cilt:2
Her milletin kolay kolay sahip olamayacağı bir medeniyetimiz, kültürümüz ve tarihimiz vardır. Yüzden
Mustafa Müftüoğlu
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Aerobacterialogical Investigation of Different Occupational Sites in Davanagere
Prakash K K
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Vaasthu, Feng-Shui, Traditional Beliefs Vs Civil Engineering
In spite of the fact that this is an era with colossal inventions of Building Construction, the shado
Madujith Sagara Chandra
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Türkiye'de Aydınlanma ve Atatürk Devrimleri
Atatürk, Amasya Bildirgesi’nde her türlü büyük devlet güdümüne girme önerisini geri çevirmiştir. Ulus
Onur Bilge Kula
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Resistência ao cisalhamento de solo arenoso e argiloso compactados: Análise da resistência ao cisalhamento direto de um solo arenoso e um solo argiloso, compactado e inundado
Renan Felipe Braga Zanin
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Racionalidad ambiental. La reapropiación social de la naturaleza
Enrique Leff
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Reanalysis of Historical Climate Data for Key Atmospheric Features: Implications for Attribution of Causes of Observed Change (SAP 1.3)
A primary objective of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) is to provide the best possible
U.S. Climate Change Science Program
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Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 7. Climate of Alaska
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle: U.S. Climate Change Science Program Prospectus for Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.2
U.S. Climate Change Science Program
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Çin Medeniyete Yön Veren Uygarlıklar
Insanla evren arasındaki benzerlik Taoculukta önemli yer tutar. Buna göre insan küçük bir evrendir ve
Ahmet Seyrek
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The Making of the English Landscape (Nature Classics Library)
W.G. Hoskins was one of the most original and influential British historians of the twentieth century
W. G. Hoskins
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Potential Worlds: Planetary Memories and Eco-Fictions
Die ökologische Krise, die wir aktuell erfahren, drängt zu einem Neudenken unseres Verhältnisses zur
Scheidegger & Spiess; 1. baskı
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Siwa Oasis
The oasis of Siwa was famed in antiquity for its Oracle of Amun, consulted by Alexander the Great. To
A Fakhry
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