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Tarih ve Felsefe
Atatürk Döneminde Darülfünun Reformu
1922’den 1932’ye kadar geçen dokuz yıl içinde Türkiye’nin bütün aydınları gözlerini Darülfünun’a dikt
Necdet Öklem
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Императорский Российский Исторический Музей: Указатель памятников
This book, "Императорский Российский Исторический МузейУказатель памятников", by Коллектив авторов, i
Коллектив авторов
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Der Schneeflockensammler
Auf einem Bauernhof in den Weiten Amerikas lebt Wilson Bentley mit seinem älteren Bruder und seinen E
Robert Schneider
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Tarih ve Felsefe
American Jupiter: Letters and Journals of Samuel F.B. Morse Volume I: (Abridged, Annotated)
Though most Americans know Samuel Finley Breese Morse only for the telegraphic code that bears his na
Samuel F.B. Morse
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Francisco J. Varela 1946-2001 (Cybernetics & Human Knowing)
A volume dedicated to the life and work of Francisco Varela, this is an issue of the journal "Cyberne
Jeanette Bopry
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Leuninger, H: Reflexionen über die Universalgrammatik
Noam Chomskys Buch Reflexionen ber die Sprache (= * 185) stellt eine Zusammenfassung der sprachphilos
Helen Leuninger
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Steiner, B: Building the French Empire, 1600-1800 (Studies in Imperialism)
This study explores the shared history of the French Empire from a perspective of material culture in
Benjamin Steiner
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Milli Eğitim Sempozyumu: Türkiye'nin Milli Eğitim Sistemi Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği / 03-04 Mayıs 2014 - Ankara
Eğitimin konusu insandır. Toplumumuzun en hayati öneme sahip konularından birisi de eğitimdir. Bir to
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Jewish Encounters with Buddhism in German Culture: Between Moses and Buddha, 1890–1940 (Palgrave Series in Asian German Studies)
In Germany at the turn of the century, Buddhism transformed from an obscure topic, of interest to onl
Sebastian Musch
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Donne E Scienza Nella Roma Dell'ottocento (Studi del Dipartimento Di Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo - Sapienza Universita Di ROM): 18
Sede del Papato, del Santo Uffizio, della Compagnia di Gesu, Roma moderna non ha la reputazione di un
Federica Favino
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Борьба императора Генриха V с церковью
This book, "Борьба императора Генриха V с церковью", by А.Ф. Копылов, is a replication of a book orig
А.Ф. Копылов
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Грамматика исландского языка
This book, "Грамматика исландского языка", by С.К. Сабинин, is a replication of a book originally pub
С.К. Сабинин
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Tarih ve Felsefe
GEO SAISON Beautiful Moments 2021
NEU! GEO Beautiful Moments 2021 - Format 30 x 30 cm, offen 30 x 60 cm- 6-sprachiges Kalendarium- Inte
teNeues Calendars & Stationery GmbH & Co. KG
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Atlas Tarih Kurtuluş Savaşı Özel Dergisi 2
DoganBurda Dergi Yay. Paz. A.S.
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Письма А. П. Чехова: Том 4. 1892 - 1896
Еще ранней весной 1892 г. стали появляться в обществе и в печати опасения, что урожая не будет. Опасе
А. П. Чехов
okumak kayıt olmadan
Tarih ve Felsefe
Славная страница истории: Добровольное присоединение Грузии к России и его социально-экономические последствия
В книге на фоне политической и социально-экономической истории Восточной Грузии второй половины XVIII
А.И. Брегвадзе
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Tarih ve Felsefe
The Science of James Smithson: Discoveries from the Smithsonian Founder
Accessible exploration of the noteworthy scientific career of James Smithson, who left his fortune to
Steven Turner
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Tarih ve Felsefe
La Teoría Darwiniana y la Creación Llamada Independiente Carta a M. Charles Darwin
La obra de Darwin se ha impuesto tanto en la ciencia como al gran público, y, no obstante, las respue
G. Giuseppe Bianconi
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Von Texten zu Geschichten: Aufsätze zur Konzeption und Geschichte der Wissenschaft vom Neuen Testament (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament): 448
Im vorliegenden Aufsatzband stellt Cilliers Breytenbach seine Sicht der Exegese des Neuen Testaments
Cilliers Breytenbach
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Tarih ve Felsefe
A Critical Dissertation on Titus III
Wherein Mr. Foster's Notion of Heresy is Consider'd, and Confuted. And the Power of the Church to Cen
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Воспоминания: том III: Детство. Царствование Александра II и Александра III
Сергей Юльевич Витте (17 (29) июня 1849 - 28 февраля (13 марта) 1915) - граф, российский государствен
С. Ю. Витте
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Греко-Славянские школы в Москве в XVII веке (Rossieiia I Khristianskii Vostok)
Работа посвящена истории становления и первым шагам русского просвещения в XVII в., до основания Слав
Б.Л. Фонкич
okumak kayıt olmadan
Tarih ve Felsefe
Science and Immortality: The Eloges of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1699-1791) (Voices Revived)
From the eighteenth century until as recently as World War II, the natural scientist was depicted as
Charles B. Paul
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Virus. La guerra de los mil millones de años: Por qué los humanos somos presa fácil de las pandemias (F. COLECCION)
La COVID-19, provocada por el coronavirus SARS-COV-2, es un episodio más, ni siquiera el más trágico,
Juan Botas
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Amerikan Kız Kolejinin Misyonerlik Davası
Bu. kitap;-Cumhuriyet'in, artık yararını kaybetmiş medrese ve mahalle mektebinden "millî eğitimce geç
Hayri Yıldırım
okumak kayıt olmadan
Tarih ve Felsefe
Der Tod gebiert nicht, das Leben stirbt nicht!: Gott: Ja oder nein? 3. Auflage
Ein kleines Buch zu einer groen Frage: Gott, ja oder nein Der Tod gebiert nicht, das Leben stirbt nic
Hans-Joachim Schröder
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Vocabulaire du franc-maçon: Petit lexique des termes et abréviations maçonniques courantes (BOOKS ON DEMAND)
Edité en 1810, le vocabulaire du franc maçon et le premier manuel à l'usage de la franche maçonnerie
Etienne-François Bazot
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Los hongos microscópicos : ¿amigos o enemigos?
Cuando se menciona la palabra hongo, lo primero que nos viene a la mente es la imagen de una seta. Pe
Oscar Zaragoza Hernández
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Цесаревич Константин Павлович
Биографический очерк Е.П. Карновича. С 18 портретами и иллюстрациями и 2 автографами.Санкт-Петербург
Е.П. Карнович
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Tarih ve Felsefe
Bildband: Sieben Kontinente – Ein Planet. Einzigartige Naturwunder unserer Erde. Emotionale Geschichten, atemberaubende Bilder und packende Dramen der ... Mit einem Vorwort von David Attenborough
Sieben Kontinente - Ein Planet: die Naturwunder, die jedem unserer Kontinente seinen eigenen Charakte
Jonny Keeling
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